Seeds 4 Success Programs

Seeds 4 Success provides a holistic and comprehensive set of programs to support our participants’ academic, social-emotional well-being, and college and career readiness from pre-kindergarten to career!
LEARN (Grades PK-5)
Every participant enrolled in our Learn program receives weekly one-on-one academic coaching and social-emotional learning provided by volunteer mentors. Click to learn more…
Learning goals and activities are determined by Seeds 4 Success assessments, grade-level content and standards, and individual academic needs. Participants engage in social-emotional learning focused on teamwork, problem-solving, empathy, emotion management, responsibility, and intiative. SEL activities may be delivered by volunteers and/or S4S staff members. S4S also offers enrichment opportunities, such as summer camps, field trips, STEM days, etc.
DREAM (Grades 6-8)
Every participant in our Dream program meets weekly with their mentors and/or S4S staff. They receive academic coaching, social-emotional learning, college and career preparation provided by volunteer mentors. Click to learn more…
Similarly to Learn, tutoring goals are determined by grade-level content and individual academic needs. Sixth grade participants also engage in reading assessments. Participants in these grades work on school assignments, projects, and homework during the academic portion of each session to ensure success. Social-emotional learning includes a variety of one-on-one mentoring activities, small group work, and whole group learning facilitated by S4S staff. Dream participants engage in college and career readiness (CCR) activities that include 21st Century Skills development, guest speakers, career exploration and planning, executive function skill-building (i.e. time management, organization, etc.), and workforce, technical programs, and college tours.
GROW (High School to Career)
As our participants matriculate to high school and begin their path to career, they become members of S4S’ Grow program. For high schoolers, this program provides weekly one-on-one mentoring that includes academic coaching, assignment completion, social-emotional learning, college and career preparation, driver’s education, and life-skills coaching and development. Click to learn more…
Beyond high school, Grow participants receive individualized attention and support from staff and mentors to ensure they maintain a path to career. This includes specialized tutoring, scholarships, financial literacy, career navigation, and more.
All Grow participants have access to LifeRamp’s life coaching application (provided to them for free) to provide additional supports to realize and work towards their career and future goals.
SHARE (Families, Alumni, and Community)
Our Share program is designed to deepen S4S family and youth engagement through equitable practices. Click to learn more…
Our Share program is designed to deepen S4S family and alumni engagement through equitable practices. Our Family and Student Impact Teams (FIT, SIT) are guided by the Spectrum of Family & Community Engagement for Educational Equity’s Framework, as we strive to be an organization moving closer to community ownership. These teams meet to share information about the current needs of our communities, hopes for our programs, feedback on our current model, and thereby become planning partners to refine the S4S method. S4S also provides family educational workshops across a variety of topics, such as, early learning techniques, academic strategies, child development, trauma-informed care, and mental health and wellness, etc. S4S establishes partnerships throughout the City and County to support additional needs our families may have, such as, English language proficiency and financial literacy.

The Seeds 4 Success AmeriCorps Seniors Foster Grandparent Program connects role models, 55 and older, to young people in Maryland. Our Foster Grandparents serve in Anne Arundel County Public Schools and at community organizations throughout the County to provide mentorship, support academic and social-emotional learning, and help children reach grade level milestones so they reach success in school and life.
AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers who serve in the Foster Grandparent program provide the kind of comfort and love that sets a child on a path to a successful future. AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers report better health and longevity having served their community.
To be eligible to apply to be a Seeds 4 Success Foster Grandparents, you must:
- Reside in Anne Arundel County, Maryland
- Meet income eligibility requirements to receive an AmeriCorps Seniors stipend for service hours
- Be willing to serve approximately 20 hours per week at in-person service stations
- Pass a rigorous criminal history background check
To learn more about this opportunity, please email [email protected] or call our office at (410) 533-3847.
Thank you to our sponsors and grantors!